Our Favorite Wedding Signature Cocktails
Not sure how to pick your wedding signature cocktail? Choosing your signature cocktail should be easy but it can be a bit overwhelming when you want to choose the perfect drink for your perfect day! No need to worry – our team of wedding experts came up with some tips and cocktail suggestions to get you started.
Four essential cocktail choosing tips:
- Simple and Stylish: Don’t choose a cocktail that has over 12 different ingredients. You want to pick something that is simple that you can spruce up with a nice garnish.
- Light and Delicious: Some of the best drinks are the drinks that everyone will enjoy! Most guests like lighter alcohol, such as vodka, tequila or rum. When it comes to choosing your signature cocktail it’s a good idea to stick to something light and delicious!
- Choosing a Versatile Drink: We recommend choosing a drink that you can customize to be your own! Cocktails like a margarita can vary in so many different ways, include minimal ingredients and are very common so your guests will already know if they like it before they try it!
- Picking the Name: We’ve seen many different types of names for signature cocktails and the ones we love most hold special meanings for the bride and groom. Whether it’s a pet’s name, the place you first fell in love, your nicknames for one another or any other special moment you’ve shared – those are great choices to use for signature cocktail names!
Now it’s time for us to share some of the favorites we’ve seen amongst the years!
1. Spiked LemonadeA spiked lemonade can have different types of alcohol in it, either vodka or bourbon, and be different flavors such as raspberry, strawberry or an iced-tea twist! This drink is especially good in the summer months for a refreshing signature cocktail.
Photography: Kala Wilkins Photo
2. Margarita
Margaritas can vary in many different ways. Depending on the type of margaritas you like, you can choose from a variety of flavors to help customize your signature cocktail and add different salt, sugar or spicy rims.
3. Mojito
Similar to a margarita, a mojito is a great customizable choice that almost everyone loves! You can add special garnishes to your mojito and different flavors. Mojitos are made with rum so this is a nice choice if you want to avoid harder alcohol like vodka or tequila.
Photography: H&H Photographers
4. Mule
Mule’s are another great cocktail we commonly see our couples choose as a signature.
A mule is most popular during the fall wedding season as a comfort cocktail. Fall mules typically are an apple cider or caramel apple flavor. We’ve also seen lighter mules such as a pineapple or cucumber flavor – so really the choice is yours and you can never go wrong with choosing a custom mule as your signature cocktail choice!
If you’re looking to celebrate your wedding day in a grand, historic, picturesque setting then The Briarcliff Manor is the wedding venue for you!
We’d love to chat – you can call us today at 914-944-1524 to learn more about celebrating your dream wedding with us.