
A Romantic Summer Wedding at The Briarcliff Manor

Maura and Matt fell in love five years ago, and now the rest is history! An unforgettable hike turned into a romantic summer wedding here with us at The Briarcliff Manor. Read all about their beautiful love story; how they first met, when Matt knew he was going to propose, and their favorite memory here with us on their special Wedding Day!

Question: How did you two first meet?

Answer: At a volleyball match at Harbor Island.

Question: What was your first impression of each other?

Answer: Bride: I didn’t remember the first time we met! But our paths crossed again shortly after at a party and I felt an immediate comfort with him. I loved how easy it was for me to tease him & found him to be very funny and sweet.

Groom: She swore quite a bit.

Question: What was your first date?

Answer: We went to Alamo Draft house to see Mad Max. Movie choice was a bit strange- but the date went great!

Question: Who said ‘I love you’ first?

Answer: Bride: I feel like he will tell you I did…But I will say that he was the first to feel it and I was the first to say it.

Groom: She did.

Question: What is the most memorable date that you two shared?

Answer: Bride: I would say during our Trip to Utah, Matt and I spent one night “glamping” under the stars and woke up to the sun rising over the mountain tops- truly unforgettable site.

Groom: Hike at Storm King.

Question: What are your nicknames for each other?

Answer: Funny enough, many people call Matt by his last name, Murray- which I did as well for the first 3 years of dating. As far as sweet pet names go, I would say that it is a tie between “Hunny” and “Darling” for Matt. Matt likes to call me “Sweetheart” (even when I’m not being anywhere close to one).

Question: Is there a favorite spot you two share?

Answer: I would say our favorite dinner spot would be Leftyris Gyro in Tarrytown. As far as vacation spots go- anywhere that offers us the great outdoors! Give us a trail and beautiful mountaintop views- and we are in.

Question: Who met the in-laws first?

Answer: Matt met my family first because they live closer. That and they were curious to meet the sweet and funny guy I kept talking about.

Question: What are your favorite things about each other?

Answer: Bride: I would say his kindness and poised nature. He never sweats the small stuff and I absolutely love that about him.

Groom: Her enthusiasm for everything.

Question: Do you have a special tradition on Valentine’s Day?

Answer: Yes! Our tradition is do ANYTHING but dinner and a movie. Last Valentine’s Day, we went to go see Billy Joel, which was wonderful.

Question: When did you know that you were going to propose to her?

Answer: After we watched our 1st Mets game together.

Question: What was your proposal like? Where was it?

Answer: Matt’s proposal was at one of our first hiking trails together near Bear Mountain (I believe Storm King). I truthfully didn’t realize he was going to propose until noticing what looked to be a jewelry box in his pack while we were walking. I was filled with so much excitement that I kept suggesting romantic spots to take a “break”, but Matt in his usual calm and cool fashion found the perfect spot to pop the question. I loved how thoughtful and sweet his proposal was.

Question: How did you feel when he proposed?

Answer: That it was the easiest decision I could ever make.

Question: How long have the both of you known each other?

Answer: Our paths crossed in our post college years. About 5 years ago. 4 years together before tying the knot!

Question: What was your favorite part of your wedding day?

Answer: Bride: Surprisingly, I loved our First Dance. Even with everyone watching, I still felt like it was just him and I- and our own moment together. Matt and I had been practicing our moves for some time and his dip at the end was perfect!

Groom: Our First Dance and Entrance into the Reception.

Question: How would you describe the style or theme of your wedding?

Answer: A Romantic Summer Garden; Classic.

Question: What did you look most forward to? The wedding day, the ceremony, the honeymoon?

Answer: Bride: I would say the wedding night and just soaking in the laughter and love from our family and friends. It was the absolute best time.

Groom: Wedding Day

Question: What was the most fun detail of your wedding to plan?

Answer: Bride: We took dance lessons which were surprisingly fun!

Groom: The food

Question: What was the most unique detail at your wedding?

Answer: The sunset- which we were lucky enough to get incredible pictures with.

Question: To the Groom: What were you thinking when you saw her walking down the aisle?

Answer: How lucky I am.

Question: Were there any family heirlooms that you cherished with you on the wedding day?

Answer: I was able to share my grandmother’s wedding announcement at our memory table, which was incredibly special.

Question: Is there anything from your wedding day that you will keep as memorabilia?

Answer: My dress, for sure. I also have held on to my bouquet which I hope to incorporate into something for our home.

Question: What is “your song” and why?

Answer: I think of lots of songs when I think of us, but I always feel like “She’s always a Woman” by Billy Joel is the most fitting =)

Question: Who was your maid of honor and why?

Answer: My sister! Who apart from my husband also happens to be my best friend.

Question: Who was your best man and why?

Answer: Brian, I lived with him for 5 years. Been through it all.

Question: Did you have your honeymoon yet? How was it? Where was it?

Answer: Our honeymoon will be in September in Greece! Where we can enjoy our favorite authentic Greek dishes and bask in the beautiful sunsets.

Question: How would you describe your wedding day in one sentence?

Answer: Bride: The most beautiful day we could have asked for.

Groom: An amazing night we’ll always remember.

Who Did Your…

-Makeup? Amanda Pierce!

-Hair? Kristina from Glo Beauty Bar

-Dress Designer? Maggie Sottero

Photographer – Pete Lott Photography

Entertainment – Jimmy Dee Entertainment

Florist/Decor – Decor By Vincenza